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3-2-10 Mins & Addendum
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Last Updated: 2010/3/4
Minutes from the Board of Police Commissioners regular meeting held Tuesday, March 2, 2010, in the meeting room of Town Hall South, 3 Main Street, Newtown.  Chairman Duane Giannini called the meeting to order at 7:37 pm.  
Present: Duane Giannini, Brian Budd, Bruce Walczak, James Viadero, and Keith Jacobs
Absent: none
Also Present: Police Chief Michael Kehoe, Captain Jose Rios and two members of the press.


CONSIDERATION AND APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES FOR THE REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 2010: Commissioner Budd moved to accept the minutes and the attached addendum from the police commission’s regular meeting Tuesday, February 2, 2009. Commissioner Viadero seconded and the motion was carried. Chairman Giannini excused himself from the vote as he was not present at the February 2 meeting.

CHIEF’S REPORT: Budget Reports - Chief Kehoe passed out a copy of the Line Item Budget Balances sheet indicating that the report was reflective of the mid-term reductions approved by the Legislative Council. 2010 Fiscal Update - the chief informed commissioners that the department has a meeting with the Board of Finance at 7 pm March 4, 2010.The chief handed out a draft which addresses several important items, including staffing from a quantitative level and a qualitative level. He noted that the captain was working on a true cost of lay-offs report that addresses the money already expended, money saved and the money to be expended. The chief also noted that computer costs were on the report as well as costs for the cruisers.  Fleet– the chief noted that the department is waiting for the vehicles to be delivered. Personnel Report from Sgt. Wisentaner   and the Training Report from Lt. Mooney were in their meeting packets. Letters of Gratitude – The chief said there were no letters at this time. Correspondences – Chief Kehoe reported that he had one late correspondence. The March 18, 2010 meeting was cancelled, regarding the improvement project of the I-84 corridor from Waterbury to Danbury. Annual Reports – Chief Kehoe referred commissioners to a 5-page “Speed Limit Sign Plan Progress Report”, which included the Application for Approval of Speed Limits from Officer Kullgren. The chief noted that the plan consisted of two phases. Phase one the traffic unit looked at all the STC approved signs. According to the chief, the traffic unit found numerous roads that were erroneously signed and it put in work orders to have them changed; and Phase Two, the department is having the traffic unit look at all the secondary roads.
Commissioner Budd made the motion that the board accept the Application for Approval of Speed Limits as submitted – document pertaining to D.G. Beers BID through Flat Swamp Road, document pertaining to High Bridge Road through Head of Meadow Road, document pertaining to Butterfield Road through Peck’s Lane and document pertaining to Yogananda Street and Pocono Road; and send the application to the State Traffic Commission (STC) for approval. Commissioner Jacobs seconded and the motion was unanimously approved.
UPS Project – the chief reported that the department is currently updating their UPS system and should be on line by March 15, 2010. He noted that due to the size of UPS unit, it had to be located on the lower level.  Radio Project – according to the chief, the project is approved and will allow the department to go from an analog radio system to digital, increasing their level of communications. Chief Kehoe indicated it is a six month project and added that the old portables and car radios would go into storage in case they are ever needed. CAD – Chief Kehoe informed commissioners that the go-live date for the department’s CAD RMS system is April 15, 2010.
Community Conversation-Underage Drinking – Chief Kehoe reported the follow-up meeting will be held March 25, 2010 at the Reed Intermediate School. According to the chief, the meeting will be held to draw up action plans for the school. Chairman Giannini said the first meeting was an eye-opening meeting.
DARE Culmination – Chief Kehoe reminded commissioners that there was a DARE Culmination ceremony taking place at 7pm March 16, 2010 at the Reed Intermediate School “Cafetorium”. He told them it was a great event and urged them to attend.
Awards and Decorations Committee – The chief informed commissioners that the Awards and Decorations Committee has been working behind the scenes looking at all the actions of the officers and indicated that there are currently 25 to 30 awards. An award ceremony will be held this year.
Citizens Police Academy – Chief Kehoe told commissioners that there next Citizens Police Academy begins March 24. He informed them it was a 10-week academy and that Commissioner Jacobs would be attending.
CAPTAIN’S REPORT: Captain Rios informed commissioners that a copy of the written Monthly Motor Vehicle Enforcement Reports and Incident Analysis Report February 2010 were in their packets, as well as the Traffic Enforcement Unit February 2010 Report narrative by Lt. Sinko and Vanghele and the Detective Division Report submitted by Det. Sgt Cole.  According to the captain, the detective division report also includes the school based officers report. A breakdown of the statistics from the captain’s report are as follows for February 2010: 405- Motor Vehicle Contacts, 3-DUI arrests (14 year to date), Motor Vehicle Accidents – 72, Burglary – 1, Narcotics – 3, Vandalism – 11, Larceny – 6, Fraud – 6, and Alarms – 91.

  • Discussion and consideration on Strategic Goals and Objectives for the Police Commission – Chairman Giannini handed out a draft of the board’s strategic goals and objectives for the commissioner’s to review. According to the chairman, for each goal that the commissioners came up with, there is a brief statement of the goal, the rational of the goal, tentative dates to accomplish the goal and mentors. He made it clear that he wished only to discuss the draft since Commissioner Walczak was not present to offer his input. Some of the goals outlined and their target dates were as follows: redesign of the monthly package - July, clarification of roles and responsibilities of the Newtown Department of Police Services and Animal Control – September, crosswalk safety plan, and employee relations – June.
  • Discussion and possible action on Rte. 25 improvements – Commissioner Giannini told commissioners he has not had a chance to contact Deborah Lee regarding the matter.
  • Discussion and consideration of Strategic Goals/Objectives for the Police Chief – Chief Kehoe first addressed his goal regarding the Improvement in Agency Space Needs indicating that he wants to put all the data together, move carefully and look at what the department wants to accomplish this year and next. Commissioner Giannini reminded commissioners that they would be looking at a power point presentation by Captain Rios regarding the space needs and noted that the presentation was due April 1, 2010. The second goal the chief addressed was the installation of the mobile system which he said was being tested that day with a completion scheduled for June. The third goal Chief Kehoe reviewed was Accreditation. He told commissioners there are a lot of bench marks for Accreditation and said he wants to focus on what a reasonable expectation of the goals would be and indicated that it is a long term project. He noted that the actual assessment would occur in January 2011. The fourth goal the chief addressed was the goal of improving relationships in the agency indicating that he has been given a number of worthwhile ideas. Chairman Giannini said that he liked the chief’s idea of the survey.

  • Discussion and possible action on possible speed information signs at town lines – According to Chief Kehoe, it is up to police commissioners what they would like to see on the signs. The signs would be posted at the town lines warning motorists that the posted speed limits are strictly enforced in Newtown and to slow down, what exactly is written and/or pictured on the signs would be a decision rendered by the board. Some suggestions included “Slow Down in Newtown” and “Speed Limits Strictly Enforced.”
Chairman Giannini asked the board to think it and come back in April with a recommendation.
  • Discussion and possible action on the authorized representative to be contacted pertaining to Local Traffic Regulatory patterns – According to Chief Kehoe, he has always been the contact person, but noted that it required a motion by the board. Commissioner Budd moved that Police Chief Michael Kehoe be the contact representative pertaining to Traffic Regulatory patterns. Commissioner Jacobs seconded and the motion was unanimously approved.   
  • Discussion, review and possible action on the Traffic control matters relating to Newtown Youth Academy and Newtown roadways leading to Newtown Youth Academy -   According to Chief Kehoe, he had a conversation in the past month with Bob Geckle of Fairfield Hills Authority and First Selectman Pat Llodra regarding the signage up at the Youth Academy and Town Hall directing people where to go. In addition, the chief noted that motorists are pulling in and out of parking spaces into roadway and suggests making the road into the Newtown Youth Academy one way. According to the chief, the town roads do not extend past Primrose Lane and added that although the parking lot belongs to the town the roads leading to the youth academy are not designated as town roads but are rather part of the town owned parking lot. Chief Kehoe explained to commissioners that roads must meet specific ordinance requirements in order to be designated as a town road. Chairman Giannini asked that a site plan be presented at next month’s meeting and urged commissioners to go up to Newtown Youth Academy and the Newtown Municipal Center and look at some of the issues. In addition, the chairman asked the chief if they could get someone from Fairfield Hills Authority involved. Commissioner Jacobs asked that the chief bring a document indicating the number of motor vehicle accidents up at the complex as well.


COMMISSIONER’S DISCUSSION AND PARTICIPATION: Commissioner Budd proposed that every month commissioners should get statistics of criminal arrests per officer as well as those writing and serving warrants. Chief Kehoe noted that as the department builds the new CAD system, they will be able to access that information very easily. According to Captain Rios, that is information that the department keeps track of and can quantify.
Commissioners all agreed this is information they would like to see.

EXECUTIVE SESSION: Commissioner Budd moved to go into executive session at 9:16 pm to discuss a personnel matter and invited Chief Kehoe and Captain Rios to attend. Commissioner Viadero seconded and the motion was unanimously carried.

At this time the clerk left the meeting.

 Ted Swigart, Clerk

*These minutes are not finalized until approved at the next regularly scheduled meeting.



At 9:45 P. M., the Board left executive session.

At 9:45 P. M. Commissioner Jacobs moved to adjourn, seconded by Commissioner Budd, unanimously passed by the Board.

Submitted by:__________________________________
Chief Michael K. Kehoe
Duane Giannini, Chairperson